Friday, August 17, 2007

Jesus Christ of Loveland

I've been sitting at the computer for the past hour. (It's time for the store's monthly newsletter...and I hate writing it.) I looked up once and saw that it was raining. I looked up a second time and saw that it was not.

A white-haired gentleman stood in the doorway by framed by the sun.

"Come out," he said. "We have a rainbow."

I came out. I wanted the distraction. I was not sorry. The rainbow was gorgeous.

"Come across the street," the white haired gentleman said.

I went across the street. I wanted the distraction. I was not sorry. The rainbow was huge. It was huge and gorgeous.

Then the white haired gentleman pulled out his bible and started talking a science only the mad could understand.

I was polite. He was polite. We shook hands.

"Are you Miss Prothero?" he asked.

"No," I answered. "I'm Nan."

"I'm Jesus," he said and he pulled out his driver's license to prove it.

Jesus Christ of Loveland, Colorado.

I'm not kidding.

He walked down Santa Fe.

I came back here to post this and close up shop.

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